Implementing Circularity with Plants and Computers
Circular Intelligence is the emerging scientific subject developed on this page. It emerges from the need of modern society to tackle three problems of global scale: the dependence on critical raw materials (explained here), climate change (explained here), and pollution (explained here).
Circular Intelligence results from a coherent intersection of the following 6 research topics:
- Zocco, F. Circular intelligence: Principles and applications. In preparation.
- Zocco, F., Haddad, W.M., Corti, A. and Malvezzi, M., 2024. A unification between deep-learning vision, compartmental dynamical thermodynamics, and robotic manipulation for a circular economy. IEEE Access, early access article. [Link]
- Zocco, F., Sopasakis, P., Smyth, B. and Haddad, W.M., 2023. Thermodynamical material networks for modeling, planning, and control of circular material flows. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 16(1), pp. 1-14. [Link]
- Zocco, F., Lake, D. and Rahimifard, S., 2024. Synchronized object detection for autonomous sorting, mapping, and quantification of medical materials. Submitted. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.06821. [Link]
- Zocco, F. and Malvezzi, M., 2024. Circular economy design through system dynamics modeling. Submitted. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.13540. [Link]
- Zocco, F. and Rahimifard, S., 2023. Visual material characteristics learning for circular healthcare. Submitted. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04763. [Link]
- Zocco, F., Sleath, D. and Rahimifard, S., 2024. Towards a thermodynamical deep-learning-vision-based flexible robotic cell for circular healthcare. Submitted. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05551. [Link]
- Zocco, F., 2024. Circularity of thermodynamical material networks: Indicators, examples, and algorithms. Submitted. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.15051. [Link]
- Zocco, F., Lin, T.C., Huang, C.I., Wang, H.C., Khyam, M.O. and Van, M., 2023. Towards more efficient EfficientDets and real-time marine debris detection. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(4), pp. 2134-2141. [Link]
- Zocco, F., McLoone, S. and Smyth, B., 2022. Material measurement units for a circular economy: Foundations through a review. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, pp. 833-850. [Link]